What is the PMA?

The Professional Managers Association is incorporated under the Company Act and is Limited by Guarantee Company to benefit present & prospective professional managers. The Association's main objective is to support the community of professional managers in UK by providing an environment for the exchange of knowledge, ideas, skill and experience, with the aim of furthering the level of professional expertise of professional managers.

To achieve this objective, the Association in conjunction with appropriate training organizations has developed professional skill development programmes for the betterment of its present and prospective members. To meet with this objective, the Association has taken a decision to allow accredited providers to offer these courses under the auspices of PMA.

PMA conducts its membership examinations to judge the professional competency for all categories of its membership except Affiliate and student members, however applicants/candidates with acceptable qualification & experience in accordance with clause of its constitution are exempted for PMA professional membership examinations.

A Certified Professional Manager (CPM) is the most senior category of PMA membership. The qualification and experience associated with this category of membership in Clause of PMA constitution means equivalent Master degree. Candidates with overseas qualifications shall have to qualify PMA professional competency examinations to be eligible to apply for this membership, however the PMA membership committee can take their overseas professional experience into consideration.

All members of PMA shall be eligible to write the abbreviation of their respective PMA membership title after their name as recognition of their competency in professional managerial Knowledge & skills.

According to PMA's understanding, a Professional Manager does not simply mean a manager of a business or industry rather it's a generic title used for all those involved in the managerial or administrative role of any public or private office, educational institution, entrepreneurship, financial, production, manufacturing, engineering, logistics, transportation, advertising and any other business or business. It also includes the professional managers of charitable, religious and non-profit making or social welfare agencies.